Fresh and Work leaked credit card numbers with money

Fresh and Work 10000% leaked Visa credit card numbers with money

type: Visa
number: 4532 3012 1792 8002
cvv: 590
exp: 10/19
name: Timothy Raleigh

type: Visa
number: 4024 0071 4814 1517
cvv: 486
exp: 07/19
name: Thomas Owen

type: Visa
number: 4916 2194 1342 3923
cvv: 293
exp: 05/21
name: Anthony Collin

type: Visa
number: 4929 8015 1254 0866
cvv: 103
exp: 11/19
name: Nathaniel Oldridge

type: Visa
number: 4556 1093 2753 3401
cvv: 255
exp: 09/19
name: Cameron Leigh Cook

type: Visa
number: 4086 3624 9392 8645
cvv: 663
exp: 02/20
name:Anthony Kirk

type: Visa
number: 4024 0071 2943 9484
cvv: 064
exp: 07/20
name: Audrey Howard

type: Visa
number: 4556 3121 9883 5349
cvv: 848
exp: 01/20
name: John Hancock

type: Visa
number: 4532 5001 6635 4397
cvv: 814
exp: 04/20
name: Brian Morrison

type: Visa
number: 4716 4132 8210 0918
cvv: 025
exp: 07/20
name: Jessica Walter

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